



  • 雅思写作必背经典句子 推荐度:
  • 雅思雅思口语练习100个经典句子 推荐度:
  • 同位语从句例句 推荐度:
  • 英文写作经典句子 推荐度:
  • 会议纪要常见格式 推荐度:
  • 相关推荐

1some people think that

2 some people believe that

3 some people do believe that

4 some people do strongly believe that

5 some people hold that

6 some people point out that

7 some people insisit that

8 some people maintain that

9 some peopel argue that

10 some people contend that

11 some people deem that

12 some peopel are convinced that

13 some people are fully convinced that

14 some people are firmly convinced that

15 some people take it for granted that

16 we should admit that

17 nobody can deny that

18 some people agree that

19 some people conclude that

20 some people assert that


